Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 2009

I am grateful to my mother. Truly, I am. She raised me all by herself. I had everything I ever needed and most of what I wanted. She sacrificed so that I could have. Even today she makes sure that my children and I have all that we need.

These days, I am taking my turn to help her. She was diagnosed with breast cancer several months ago. She has undergone surgery to remove the "spot" and that seemed to go well. She is now undergoing chemo treatments that are beating her down. The last couple of weeks have the been the hardest for her. The chemo makes her really sick.

I do what I can to make her suffering easier, if such a thing can be done. I feel like Don Quixote fighting windmills. All the while, trying to protect my sons from experiencing too much of what is happening to their grandma. I am not complaining. I am only stating what is. It is hard.

It is hard to see her in this condition. She has always been the strongest person I know. To see her in so much pain... It is the hardest thing I have ever faced.

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